Augustus Buchanan

ID # 4319, (1824-1918)
FatherAlexander Buchanan (1796-1888)
MotherElizabeth Leece (1802-1841)
BirthAugustus Buchanan was born on 26 September 1824 at Dumfries Township. 
BaptismHe was baptized on 5 November 1834 at First Church, Galt. 
MarriageHe married Margaret Harvie, daughter of Alexander Harvie and Catharine Campbell, on 23 February 1849 at Beverly Township.
GS2987 First Church (Presbyterian) Galt
(This page as it appears on the microfilm reel is faded, but seems to agree with the Gore District's marriage registration information.)
Nbr. 293
By license in Beverly on Feb. 22, 1849, Beverly Township
Augustus Buchanan, Dumfries
Margaret Harvie, Beverly
Witnesses John Harvie and John Buchanan

The marriage was almost certainly held at the residence of the bride's parents. The Harvie farm was in Beverly Township, and located immediately east of the Dumfries-Beverly townships line.
DeathHe died on 27 August 1918 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, at age 93. 
BurialHe was buried on 29 August 1918 at Fairplains Cemetery, Grand Rapids. 
NoteBaptism information for Augustus Buchanan and several siblings is taken from microfilm LCM-30, First United Church Records, Baptisms 1833-1852.
The Buchanan siblings appear to have been baptised at First Church in Galt, at the time a Presbyterian Church, in two batches. Four were baptised on November 5th, 1834, and five on November 19th, though the date in the margin is almost obscure. This appears on microfilm LCM-30 which is to be found at the United Church of Canada Archives. (A perpetual calendar shows both of these dates as a Wednesday.)

The Augustus Buchanan farm in 1851 was just south of the village of Glen Morris.

Family information places the birth of the first two children of Alexander and Elizabeth in Shade's Mills. Augustus was likely the first child born in Dumfries Township.

The Dickson Papers (MS5 reel 4, C6, page 93) show Augustus Buchanan on March 13, 1849, purchasing the south half of lot 24 (100 acres) and the south half of the north half of lot 25 (50 acres) on the 6th concession of Dumfries Township for a total of 150 acres. The abstract index for this lot is not to hand, so the exact date that August and Margaret sold up and moved to Grand Rapids is not known. The 1910 census at Grand Rapids tells that the family came to the U.S. in 1875. This is inaccurate and perhaps 'off' by 10 years. The church at Glen Morris, Presbyterian at the time, shows the 'disjunction' of Augustus and Mrs. Buchanan on July 20, 1864, and the 1870 census as enumerated in Vergennes Township in Kent County, Michigan, shows the family present there in 1870.

Death registration
State of Michigan, Transcript of Certificate of Death
Kent County, Grand Rapids
Augustus Buchanan of 1116 N. Front Av. died August 27, 1918. Widowed. Wife Margaret Buchanan. Born Sept 26, 1824, age 96 years, 11 months, 1 day. Born Canada. Parents Alexander Buchanan, born Canada, Elizabeth Leece, born England. Informant A. W. Buchanan, 1116 N.Front Av. Burial August 29, 1918, Fair Plains Cemetery.

A story told of Augustus in his later years is that he would come betimes to visit with the Canadian family. No one ever knew he was coming until he walked through the door and set down his valise, and no one knew when he was returning to Michigan until he picked up his valise and walked out the door.

A grand daughter told your researcher that, toward the end of his life, he wanted to visit Canada. Family asked him to wait until his grand daughter was free from her studies during summer break. He rebelled at the notion he needed accompanient and took off when no one was looking and, indeed, visited with the Canadian family. Then, en route home, he took a train to Chicago where he had a son. The story goes that he didn't have the son's address, but kindly persons at the train station tracked down the son and he came and collected his dad and they had a visit. The story wasn't clear whether the son then accompanied his father home.

Augustus is said to have wanted to live as long as his father, but didn't quite make it. 

Children of Augustus Buchanan and Margaret Harvie

Last Edited20 Aug 2023